Wednesday, March 21, 2012


First of all, things that are MEGA-TIGHT.

1- Pamela. I just discovered a comment on my 500th post post from Pamela who is apparently a fan. That's amazing. Haha, thank you Pamela and thank you Internet.

...that's...about it. If you want to be mega-tight like Pamela or Anonymous, you should leave comments about stuff.

Chill Oatmeal with Oats tastefully scattered around its backside? = MEGA-TIGHT!

I guess it falls on me then to give you stuff to comment on.


Speaking of faces...

Facebook. I de-activated my account. It's been gone since Thanksgiving and I have no problem with that. In fact, I encourage anyone considering leaving it to do so right now. Just do it. See what happens. Leave it for a week and see if you can come up with a reason why you should go back.

So that's my challenge to you, faceless masses. Aren't you the least bit curious as to what would happen if you de-activated your account for a week or two?

In my experience, nothing happens. You just waste a whole lot less time on facebook.

I don't think Facebook is a bad thing (even though that is what I think). I'm not trying to argue why you shouldn't have one (even though there are definitely arguments to be made).

I just want people to try not having one and see what they think. Take a time-out and see if you feel compelled to go back. If you do, that's fine. I know last year I was seriously considering de-activating mine but I was afraid or something. I don't know. I remember that whatever it was, there was a really strong compulsion to NOT LEAVE. Because I was afraid I'd miss out on too much and lose contact with...with SOMETHING. And whatever it was, was REALLY IMPORTANT.

So I wish someone had told me that there was nothing important. All it was was a feeling of importance that I think Facebook and a lot of other people work very hard to maintain. Social Networking is the FUTURE and if you aren't on it the FUTURE TRAIN is gonna leave the station and you'll be left in Pastville trying to shove potatoes up your nose because you forgot what eating was and now you're slowly dying of malnutrition because you're too stupid to put food in you. metaphor kind of got out of control but....that doesn't happen.

And I know a lot of people would say that they "barely ever use Facebook" and that it's not a big part of their life but...


really? Let's be honest. You're creeping. And you're caught up in drama that wouldn't concern you at all in the real world. And you're wasting your ti-

Okay, I'll stop there. That's it. That's all I gotta say.

This eye is TOO GREEN!

do people like the food pictures? I like them. This one made me laugh.

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