Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Final Scene of the Final Act of the Final Chapter

of the Final Book of My Epic Beautiful Dark Space Opera

Our hero, Gret Withers, is hanging from a ledge by only the awesome strength of his bionic pinky finger. Swirling below him is a raging black-hole that only grows stronger and more furious as the wounds from all 254 of Gret's consecutive Space-katana battles violently spray blood into the vast deadzone. Of course, his strength would not ordinarily fail him but his final battle has left him infected with trillions of nano-bots that are devouring all of his rock-hard muscle tissue and messing with the hormones in his liver. And now, as he's glistening with sweat and his body is literally being torn apart from the inside his one true love interest that was introduced in like, the second scene of this whole thing, is frantically trying to reach the ledge he's dangling from but the only means of getting there is running DOWN an UP ESCALATOR! Gret hears her trying to save him and cries out,

"Chebberdina! You've come back for me! I thought you'd run off with the Space Pirate King after you'd been deceived by that Space-robot clone of me built by the nefarious Space Herzegovinians!"

"Oh, Gret. When I found out the truth I could only stand to live in the Paradise of being the Space Pirate Queen for only three more years before I figured it'd probably be better if I went back to you seeing as how you didn't technically do anything wrong. But at the same time, as rude as that Space-Robot Clone of you was, everything it said wasn't really that much of a surprise. I could still see you calling me a mal-adapted space wench."

"Oh....well....that's good...and also...I'm sorry I guess. How much longer do you think it'll take you to get down that escalator?"

"It's going really fast. Maybe another five minutes or so. Why don't you tell me about what you've been up to?"

"Ok, I'll see if I can stop these nano-bots from completely severing my shoulder from my body. About an hour ago I destroyed the hive of space-pterodactyls that were trying to blow up the Good-Times so that no one in all the galaxy would have any reason to be grateful for Fridays."

"Oh, that's so interesting. You know, the Space Pirate King just bought a new car and said I could drive it whenever I want. Pretty cool, huh? What was the last thing you bought me?"

"You know what, why don't you try jumping down that escalator? It's kinda easy to know, cuz we're in space."

"Fine. Avoid the question until you get your way."

And so, as Chebberdina prepares to jump down the up-escalator she trips and begins an eternal space-fall down an up-escalator!

When Gret realizes what has happened he gives up entirely and lets himself fall into the infinite raging abyss. Chebberdina is still falling up that escalator to this day.

This story gets the approval of fancy fez-wearing oranges everywhere!

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