Friday, March 9, 2012


I'm going to bed
with dried sweat
From the sun
and sprinting like mad.

You know you're in shape when sprinting doesn't hurt. All you feel is an anger at your body for not being able to move its whimpy self any faster.


You ever find weird things that make you feel alive? They're usually kind of shameful, right? Like sharpening up a candy cane and then accidentally stabbing yourself in the tongue with it. And then maybe you stab yourself on purpose...

Or sitting with your laptop and you become aware of the warmth...on your lap...and then you just kinda press it down and...hold it there. And think about lemurs. It's not a sexual thing! It's an existential experience!

What's interesting is that things that make you feel absolutely dead inside are just as shameful. I had to send out a list of comedians for this committee thing I'm on...and the first thing I went to was a running shoe website. And I just sat there and stared at the homepage of Running Warehouse for a good two minutes before I thought to myself: Andy. Hey Andy. You're supposed to be looking for comedians. Why are you considering watching that informative video on Asics new trail racing shoes for the summer season? What...what are you doing?

Compared to that...the whole laptop warmth on my crotch thing seems noble.

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