Saturday, March 10, 2012


I was in Goodwill today and I realized a common theme in all my favorite stores.

If the change in your ash tray is a viable means of purchasing something at that store--that's a magical store! Those are the only places I ever want to give my business to. In an ideal world. In my fantasy, if I can't afford something I should be able to say, "Hold on, let me go to the ash tray in my car and I'm sure there's more than enough change there to help me buy this." And then I'd fly over the parking lot with my magnificent angel wings.

I like the story of Icarus. Now that I'm thinking about wings and the sun. I guess that's supposed to be a warning about pride and hubris or whatever,

but I think I've learned enough from Professor Kanye to know that if you have wings, WHY WOULD YOU NOT FLY INTO THE SUN?! What better way to die than to fly headlong into a bright shining miracle that taunts us everyday?. Is there any greater fulfillment of the human spirit than to try to capture the Sun?!

We can make popcorn with laser beams! We don't need a god! We are our own god! We have invented a buttery salty concoction that contains more fat than six mcdonalds cheeseburgers!

We've mastered the calorie and now we're slowly killing ourselves with our own genius!

Fly towards the Sun, America. I'll lead the way.

The future is a scary place.
I refuse to go until I'm older.

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