Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Meanwhile Back in the City

Something Interesting...

Where I challenge myself to think of something interesting.

If someone burst into my room right now and hit me over the head with a guitar and it sent me flying out this third floor window and I landed in the little courtyard and lost all feeling in my body except for one finger, that'd be kind of interesting.

And if a little leprechaun appeared before me and danced on my chest and said, "I've put a bomb in you, if you wiggle your finger I'll stop dancing."

And he'd just keep dancing and dancing. And it's like, does that also mean the bomb will go off? What's the bomb made of? Maybe it's made of cotton candy.

So he dances on my chest for seven years and finally I decide it's time to wiggle my finger to see what will happen and I do and he multiplies into...well...no

he just kind of crumples up and starts shaking horribly and then folds into his own belly button and drags the entire universe in with it and when I open my eyes there's this gigantic staircase in front of me with cannons lining either side and as the leprechaun, who now looks like an old dutch woman with false teeth and no forehead, is descending the staircase the cannons are firing enormous dolphins at each other. So the dolphins collide in mid-air above her heard and they just explode into fireflies and music and when she gets to the bottom of the staircase she says she's thirsty so a three-wheeled rabbit man comes flying out of a hole in the ceiling which is really the floor because everything is upside down and hands her glass of milk which she drinks upside down through her nose

before realizing she's lactose-intolerant so the lactose has to sit on the back of the bus and use different water fountains inside her digestive system and suddenly I'm in her digestive system and I want to be friends with the lactose because I've realized the common bonds of humanity that unite us all but that causes me to become an outcast and drives me to become a bassist in a punk band that plays shows in the rough side of the duodenum and in the middle of all my crazing and partying and never sleeping and stout hunting I have this moment of clarity where I remember my life when I was sitting at this computer writing this all down but then I remember that that wasn't even right because really I'm just a collection of molecules on a rock circling a big ball of fire with other rocks and then I can't maintain that so I fall back down into myself and look under a cup that's been turned over since the beginning of the semester and inside are three tiny moons all orbiting each other

and then for dinner I eat a little more broccoli than usual.

That would be...interesting.

ugh....ick, I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.

Like, seriously. That's not a comment on anything that I just said. I'm just telling you as a fact that I threw up in my mouth a little bit just now. Which I also find interesting.

Good day.


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