Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Don't Have Much Time

I want the world to be bigger
and it keeps getting warmer.
I want the days to be longer
and it keeps getting warmer.
I want time to move slower
and it keeps getting warmer.
I want things to be brighter
and it keeps getting warmer.
I want to be better
and it keeps getting warmer.

I want to be hungry
and it keeps getting hotter.
I want to be faster
and it keeps getting hotter
I want to be clearer
and it keeps getting hotter.
I want to be new
and it keeps getting hotter.
I want it to be boiling
and it keeps getting hotter.
I want it to refresh
and it keeps getting hotter.
I want the wind at my back and the sun on my face
and it keeps getting hotter.
I want to look out over the edge
and it keeps getting hotter.
I want it all laid out in stone before me
and it keeps getting hotter.
I'm going to tear it right off the walls and mail it to the world
and it keeps getting hotter.
I'm not going to stop for water
and it keeps getting hotter.
I'm going to sweat it all out
and it keeps getting hotter.
Something will remain, something's going to stick, something's going to last through the storms of sand
and it keeps getting hotter.

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