Sunday, March 11, 2012


It's SUNday again! And it's sunny!

What's Fun About a Field of Flowers?

Stomping on them, that's what!
Why put beautiful things at our feet
if we can't squash them and frollick
and feel the delicate colors mash in our toes?

You can plant them. And watch them grow.
And take pride in your creation
but if you just let them be and watch them,
what good is that?

There's beauty in growth
and destruction
but nothing's pretty about staring at something
and watching the life slowly drain out of it like a cock-eyed miserable buzzard with a gimpy leg.

Smash it, pluck it, toss it, celebrate!
then help it grow again.
You are a frivolous god dispensing ribbons of rainbow death in your wake
from which new things bud bursting with the strength of the sun to be released again back into the light.

What's fun about a field of flowers?
I say we get liquor'd up and start a march
and dance a dance and wave a freak flag
like so many technicolor badger carnivals.

It's technicolor badger carnivals all the way down to the dirt.
That's what's fun about a field of flowers.

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