Saturday, March 31, 2012


So, signed up for Foundations of Learning and Memory. That's neat.

And April is happening soon. That's mega-tight.

But shwhat I really want to talk about is


So, in front of the dining hall they made this little pathway out of stone that leads from these stair things to the entrance of the dining hall/student center thing. And everyone always complains because these blocks are

real, real, real, real close together. It makes for awkward foot placement most of the time. Even the people who won the Student Assembly election included changing these stones in their "platform".

Well I've got something to say about this! And I've got an infinite amount of electronic paper to say it!

But I'll try to be brief.

The other day I was using these steps as I walked out of the student center and I walked the path and it was awkward and my foot was inbetween the steps half the time, or skipping steps, or just completely rolling my ankle to the point where it violently detaches and lands in some girls CURRY FLAVORED RICE!

But I walked it, and then I realized something. So I turned completely around for no apparent reason and walked the path again. But this time I walked

real, real, real, real slow. slowly. I walked the path really slowly and my foot cleanly landed on a stone every single time.

And I was like, "Oh! I see what you did there. If I slow down as I'm going to eat or take a break from classes or do whatever, I can walk on the path. But if I'm in a hurry and just trying to plow through every part of my day then I'm going to mess up and break my ankle and be angry about some stones in the ground."

I think that's an important....message?...for a walkway to try to convey. SLOW DOWN! There's no prize at the end for getting through college as fast as possible. Instead of speedwalking through everything and then complaining about the parts that don't match up with your relentless pace to no where, why don't you just listen to the nice stone steps and really put some thought into something simple? Like walking to the dining hall for Kim's Veggie Enchiladas.

All I'm saying is it's good to change up your pace every once in a while, especially slowing down. And don't just change things because they don't fit right away, try to...I don't know, listen and find a meaning that'll make you start jumping up and down and sharing candy and stuff. It can't hurt.

That's all I'm gonna say! You can read it again if you want. I ain't goin' charge you!

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