Thursday, March 15, 2012

Hell is What You Create

when you try to create your own world.

Milton implies this in Paradise Lost.

This stuck out to me for a lot of reasons.

First of all, this:

So in some sense I can see where Milton is coming from.

But setting aside things that are already clearly demonic,

I don't agree. At all. I think making your own world is perfectly legitimate. It makes sense to me, at least.

I'm not saying I'm going to change, It's just a weird feeling to have one of the greatest poets of the English language reach his pasty, skeletal hand through almost four hundred years of being dead and backhand you across the face as he spells out your perception of reality.

I mean...I mean, dang! That stings.

Aw, it's okay blueberry muffin. I still think your epistemology is valid and won't lead to eternal damnation.


In case you haven't noticed, I really enjoy finding images of food with white backgrounds and drawing faces on them with Microsoft paint. It's really great.

You know how when you got a set of Legos it would come with that booklet to teach you how to make all the cool stuff. And if you trusted the word of the booklet and carefully followed the directions you'd end up with something really cool.

Who ever bothered doing that?

It was way more satisfying to just build a tower with all the pieces and then destroy it. Because it was YOUR tower. Not some booklet thingy. That's just choosing to listen to the booklet and following its instructions. There's no freedom in that. Yeah, without it you won't make anything good know what? Legos aren't that much fun anyway and that's why I started playing video games.

that really sums it all up right there.


Anonymous said...

Milton's point is that only God can create a world, so if you create your own world, it's a pale imitation of what should be, and you will ultimately suffer because you've tried to emulate God in a way that people such as Faust are condemned as an example.

Andy Lawrence said...

Haha, thank you Anonymous. Seriously. You have no need to be anonymous.

I don't even know how to begin to approach the other side of this argument. Except for the whole not believing in God thing. I feel like it doesn't leave a lot of room for discussion if you can't get past that part.

But thank you. Thoughtful responses are always welcome.

Anonymous said...

Hey, you don't have to believe in God to talk about Milton, just appreciate that that is where he's coming from. You just have to suspend disbelief long enough to play, uh, devil's advocate.

Anyway, I was kind of drunk when I wrote that, so it both reads way too seriously, and shouldn't be taken all too seriously.

Andy Lawrence said...

Anonymous, you crazy.