Monday, January 1, 2024


 Huge potential breakthrough today. Only one day into the year and already the dawn of a new era. 

At Thanksgiving and Christmas my sister watched this video called "Unlocking Full Mobility (if you can survive this one routine...)" and then it became this running joke of "oh I'm busy unlocking full body mobility" or like my shoulder would pop really loudly and that was the full body mobility I was unlocking. Are you gonna unlock full body mobility later? You get the idea.

But anyway while I was unlocking full body mobility there were certain parts of the routine where you had to rotate your torso and I said afterwards to my sister that I hate rotating my torso. Always have. It feels bad and I'm bad at it. Way back in high school we had to do lunges with torso twists and I always hated it. I told my sister, "That's not my plane of movement! I'm all forward and back! No side to side!"

But today I was messing around with torso twists and saw how much my knee was buckling and my ankles were unstable and instead of thinking about how bad I was I thought, "what if I get good at this and then all of my dreams come true!?!" Right? What is weakness if not an opportunity for explosive and gratuitous growth?!

So all day I've been messing around with torso twists. If I'm bored I'll just start doing them. I'll get in a deep lunge or I'll put one foot up and bend the front foot and do them. Slow. Fast. With weight. Whatever. Just spamming torso twists. It doesn't seem to strain any particular muscles but there's an awful lot of wobbling going on. And running doesn't have much torso twisting action but there is some and what if every step I take I'm doing these micro-wobbles and robbing myself of precious precious speed? Right? 

So I'm just gonna keep doing torso twists every day and see if I can turn my suspension into a highly responsive well-calibrated system. 

Could be something. 


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