Saturday, January 6, 2024

lucid spiraling

I put powdered sweet tea in my smoothie last night

and the caffeine kept me up late and woke me up early

and in the morning outside it was pouring freezing rain

and I heard a man shouting "HEY! HEY!"

so I looked out my window and he was banging on the door of an empty building

across the parking lot from my apartment

so I moved a chair over to the window to watch him more

he was very angry

and very yelly

I guess he found keys to open the door because he stormed into the building still yelling


and even when I couldn't see him anymore I could still hear him yelling from the other building

then I got worried that he would somehow notice me watching him and come up to my apartment

and want to yell "hey!" at me too

and it's my rest day so that wouldn't work at all

so I stopped watching him

but throughout the day I would hear him yelling again

never anything coherent

and no one ever responding

and then later I checked the window and a man was working at a computer in the office

on the top floor of the building the man had entered

I used to see him working in there all the time but then he disappeared for months

Walt Whitman would say

I am the man yelling in the freezing rain

I am the man working at the computer

and I am the one watching them both from the opposite window

I am large. I contain multitudes.

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