Wednesday, January 17, 2024

I'm tired like a zombie

 I'm tired like a fiendish ghoul. I'm tired like an undead thral in a dingy yard. I'm tired like bones. I'm tired like purposefully empty vessels of flesh. I'm tired like--I'm so tired- I'm tired in the way I imagine skeletons are tired because their mitochondria are in their cells but like a prison cell and the bones are the bars and the jailors are their former eyes turned against them the way our eyes are always trying to do. Vision is the greatest trap of all.

I'm tired like if you took the backs of two spoons and rubbed them together all night instead of sleeping. 

I'm tired like an old pile of wet socks and the seepage...and the SEEPAGE is bottomless. It will never dry but also can never die.

I'm tired like the opposite of ants. I think ants have a thing where they can never get tired. Let me be the first to put that out there. 

I'm's what I'll say. Rearrange the the letters of the word "tried" and you can almost get to the word 'detritus' which is a fancy word for dirt and if you rearrange the letters in dirt and add an e you get 'tired'.

I guess the experiment to test if ants get tired would be to like time them on certain tasks and then if they slow down you could say they get 'tired' but if you think our simple human science experiments can unpack the infinite cosmos that is ant wisdom then I'm sorry to tell you but you're a lil dummy head.

Snacks update: Snacks is fine. Same size. No pain.

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