Saturday, January 27, 2024

me applying for the job of being in charge of myself

Here's the thing, right? We're eating like, mostly apples and whatever. PLANTS. And apples basically come out of the dirt. An apple is enhanced dirt. You follow? So we eat the apple, turn it into more of us and doodoo until we're done living and then we fall down in the dirt and get turned into that. You see what I'm saying? It's the worms that make the ever-loving world go round, babe. It's the wriggly bois and squiggly gorls underneath that are putting the paint on the canvas. And then we go up there and kinda smear it around a little. Right? Underneath every human is an untold amount of worms at all times day and night. So, big picture--I'm talking really big picture here. We gotta invest heavily in the worm route. Decomposing. Aerating. Munching. Hydraulic movement. This is the moneyball approach to self-actualization. When the game is moving dirt around, the best seat to be in is the dirt-mover seat.

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