Tuesday, January 16, 2024

ganglion cyst

 I got out of the shower today and saw a lump on the inside of my wrist on my right hand. I did a google and found out it's a ganglion cyst. I've had them before. One time I got one because I was trying to teach myself how to do a handstand and was bad at it. It went away on its own. I think I know how I got this one.

It's a sign of my long dormant mutant powers finally emerging at the age of 32 like I always knew they would. So far the only power is 'has lump' but I'm sure it will expand into other things like 'web powers', 'elemental powers', 'telecommunications', and being able to talk to plants. Or it's like an egg and in my moment of need a dragon will hatch and belittle my foes. I have decided to name the dragon Snacks and we will be chums.

Y'all stay posted now for continuing updates on my rise to power.

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