Monday, January 1, 2024

2023 recap and 2024 goals


Run: It was a mixed bag but we're optimistic! My big goal was to run 3,000 miles and I did that! So, that's good. I ran a lot of slow miles in January and February and I realized it set me up for a disappointing 10 miler but I couldn't feel too bad because I did what I said I was going to do and I learned from it. I had a really good April and May and then cratered going into the summer, which happens way too often :( I was pretty miserable running in June and swore that I would take June 2024 entirely off from running. The thing that kept me going was reaching the 3k goal. Anyway, the summer happened and then, similar to 2022, I got in good shape in the Fall. I've talked enough about running on here.

In 2024: I've written out my twelve weeks of training leading up the 10 miler. I'm excited about that. The areas I'm really excited about improving are my overall strength and stability (squats, deadlifts, hip strengthening stuff). I think instead of not running at all in June, I'll focus on sprints and maybe just some really short faster runs along with lifting. Tentatively in the Spring I'll try to get in some kind of mile/middle distance shape. We'll see. The big focus is the 10 miler for now.

Climb: Overall positive! I was really disappointed by the one competition I did, the rumble in the spring but I had a lot of big improvements. I sent an orange tape (v6/v7). I did a pull-up with 89lbs +bodyweight. I started hangboarding and hung 45lbs for 10 seconds and 50lbs for 6 seconds. I learned how to lead climb and belay! Lead my first outdoor climb and belayed indoors. On the whole I made steady progress.

In 2024: It's not quite a plateau in the v5/v6 grade but it's a pretty gradual incline and I'd like to make a more dramatic improvement. I'm starting this year with a focus on finger strength and I'd hope to end the year consistently climbing orange tapes. The main things I would like to work on are explosive power, finger strength and lock off strength.

Camp: A great year! The Costa Rica trip was a real highlight. One of the most profound trips I've ever been on. The summer was another great summer. There were no big new challenges but we did some new programs like Democracy week and Sedan Chair racing. I also become kayak certified which I think helped the quality of those trips a lot. I retooled the cabin time at the overnights and that was really successful. The tattoos were also a lot of fun. I like camp because it's much less performance-based and more about spontaneous moments of connection and that definitely happened so I can only be grateful.

In 2024: We're doing camp poplar. Ahhhh! That will be the highlight of the summer for sure. The other thing I'd like to do is have more of a focus on counselor growth and reflection. There's plans for a new overnight ritual that should make that happen.

Art: I've been more creatively productive in past years and making things was my 4th priority in 2023 but I'm okay with that. I'm not going to stress about it. When I have the time and energy to make things, I make things and that's how it should be. Yeah!

I'm also incredibly thankful for my family and my friends. I've said this already but I really feel a sense of community at the climbing gym and camp, of course. I'm really glad I got to spend time with my parents and sister at the end of the year and I feel renewed and ready to achieve my goals in 2024!

Also I eat better now. I got better at that. Getting stronggggggg

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