Thursday, September 1, 2022

Sept 1st: tempo and projecting

 Woke up excited to run. Crushed a 5 mile tempo. Still running in the heat, even though the dew point dropped the sun was still super bright so I think we can safely say the conditions were terrible. It's important to run in terrible conditions, especially now, when getting back in shape. These runs feel hard now but when it finally cools down and my body adapts I'm going to be crushing these miles left and right. I'm trying out being excited about running and my training. I haven't really done anything to warrant much excitement yet but it's more fun to be energized by it and than thinking, "oh, ho-hum, a long ways off from what I could do at my best."

This is uncharted territory. I've never set out to see how many sub-6 miles I can run in a week. Regardless of where I end up, it'll be a baseline that I can come back to and I know that I'll make progress and improve. I'm excited to see where it takes me.

In the evening I did some climbing and spent a majority of my time just trying about 2 moves on a v5 and a v6. I'm glad that I'm trying harder stuff than in the past because I know that's what is going to make me stronger. There were also lots of people that I know at the gym and that was really fun to be social as well.

When I start working more I know it's going to be harder to fit in days like this but I'll just have to be more diligent about my time and rest. For now though, having fun. Coaching starts up next week and then shortly after that I'll be working a lot of weekends. It's work I'm happy to do though so I'm thankful for that.

My other goals are to eat more and drink more water.

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