Sunday, September 18, 2022

a hilarious skit

 this is a hilarious skit for two people to perform on a given day

person 1: hello, I am person #1. I am an elder welder helper. I assist welders who are advanced in age.

person 2: hello, I am the second person. An unlikely series of events has led me to store my entire life savings inside of a bowling ball. That bowling ball made its way to the bowling alley we find ourselves in and has now been lost among the thousands of other bowling balls. We are at the largest bowling alley ever made.

person 1: How foolish of you. I would assist but my boss doesn't like it when I get distracted. 

person 2: Looks like this is a total strike-out.

person 1: What?

person 2: You know, because bowling.

person 1: oh I get it.

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