Tuesday, September 6, 2022

September 6: Learning from my mistakes

 Today I had coaching in the evening and I had a decision to make. I had to decide if I would run before coaching in the early afternoon or after coaching in the dark. I was getting myself hyped up to run before coaching because running in the daylight gives me more options for where to go and also I would be able to climb after coaching. Running at night gives me better overall conditions. Well, flashback to Sunday where I did run in the middle of the day and I absolutely cratered. I think just based on the air temperature it was only like mid 80s on Sunday and it was the same today but in the sun and with the dew point it was absolutely brutal. I looked at the conditions and I stepped outside today and I said, no way. I'm waiting until the evening. And it was fortunate that I did for two reasons. 

1- I had an absolutely amazing workout. And it wasn't amazing because I ran incredible splits--they were actually not that impressive. It was amazing because it's the first workout where I've felt comfortable doing it. I knew I could hit the paces I wanted and I wasn't pressing the whole time. So I'm really happy about that. I intentionally set my goal pace of sub-6 minute miles mostly because when I'm in shape it's a pace that isn't too strenuous. So far the workouts I've done--most of which I've run too hard if I was truly just trying to run 5:59s-- have not felt "easy" in the strictest sense. But today it truly felt comfortable and I had been waiting for the feeling to come around. 

oh and 2 was because I got a text to draw on the chalkboard in the climbing gym and I got paid for it :D

So, happy I made good choices.

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