Friday, September 2, 2022

It's hard to draw individual things

There's this story about this farmer and he's got a big farm and people who work on the farm with him. And one day this guy is walking down the road and he sees the farmer repairing this long fence that needs repairing or whatever. And the guy says, "hey do you want help with that?". And the farmer says, "sure."

Now, this is a big job that would probably take a whole team of people over a week to finish. But the guy shows up bright and early the next day and he finishes fixing the fence all in one day. The farmer is ecstatic. He says, "that was incredible! Hey, I've got all this hay that needs bailing. Think you can do that for me?" And the guy says, "sure." Now, this is an even bigger job that would require like machines and a whole host of people. But the guy shows up the next day and he gets it all done in one day. And this process continues. Cleaning out the stables uh...cutting the grass...y'know, farm things. And the farmer is just tickled because this random guy is incredible. And then one day he says to the guy, "Hey, buddy you've been working really hard out in the hot sun and I really appreciate everything you've done for me. How bout I give you an easy task for the day." The guy says, "sure." The farmer says, "All I need you to do is to go down to the nice cool basement and sort my potatoes for me. Just make three piles. One pile is for the duds and one pile is for the ones that are fine but kinda weird looking and one pile is for the a-1 potatoes that I'll take to market." The guy says, "ok."

After only 30 minutes the farmer sees the guy walking out to him in the field. "Wow! You're done already?!" The guy says, "I quit. I can't do this for another minute. Find someone else."

The farmer is shocked, "What do you mean?! This was an easy job!" The guy says, "No, the other stuff was easy. With this, every potato you gotta stop and say, 'well, is this one really good or just okay--or is this one a dud or just weird looking.' It's too much."


Maybe I butchered that story, it's not my own. But it's how I feel about this drawing I've been working on. It's kinda like Where's Waldo-esque scene with a whole bunch of different characters all spread out. Initially it was fun. I drew like two little goblins and I was like, "oh I could just fill a whole page with these." It's even in a really flat 2D style. Sitting down and committing to drawing an actually thing though is just so much more tiring than making lines. I can make lines all day. It's no trouble. Drawing out a ton of characters is like sorting potatoes. 

What was I talking about? Labor creates value. People should own their labor. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're an a-1 market potato in my book.