Wednesday, August 31, 2022

August 31st (last day of summer?)

 The weather will stay hot. And the equinox isn't until the 21st/22nd. And camp ended almost two weeks ago. But the end of August feels like a soft end to summer. I like September. "septe" of course means 7 which makes sense with the months placement on the calendar. 

Yesterday I tried the climbs I said I was going to do. For the orange one that I said I needed to bump my left hand over, I ended up doing a cross with my right hand and it was a lot easier. That's what I get for trying to copy strong boy beta. Just reach your other hand over, dumb-dumb. For the white one with the jump, I got better at the jump and I solidly slapped the big sloper but I couldn't quite stick it. I noticed that it was really dependent on how hard I could grip the left crimp. It's small but it's pretty positive. I think I'll get it the next time. And then I worked on the black one and I actually got the move I'd been trying to hit but it turns out the next move is also very hard. Overall a good session and I made progress on several different climbs even if I didn't send them. Sometimes that happens. Sometimes a session has a bunch of sends and sometimes it's just laying the groundwork for future sendage. 

I had a really good 4 mile tempo in the afternoon that felt really comfortable. A 4 mile tempo at sub-6 pace really isn't anything impressive, I could do that 13 years ago no problem but it's still very hot out and I'm working towards my goal of massive amounts of mileage at sub-6 pace. I want to build a house on sub-6 island. We're making progress. And once the temperature drops it's just going to be open season on sub-6's that live on sub-6 island. 

I need to pick my truck up from the garage. They finished inspecting it. I need to fill in all the dates on my calendar that I am either coaching or working with camp. It's close to every weekend. nice!

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