Sunday, September 18, 2022

another hilarious skit

 a skit for four players

person 1: Gentlemen, it's nice to meet you. My name is Ranch Dubois and I made my fortune unexpiring milk. I found a way to take expired milk and make it un-expired and then I sell it back to schools and grocery stores.

person 2: It's a pleasure to be here. My name is Monthly Billings. I made my fortune extracting iodine from the ocean. I have nearly exhausted the ocean's supply of iodine that I keep in a large tanks hidden in a secret bunker in the wastelands of Nevada. Whenever anyone wants iodine, they have to go through me. Monthly Billings.

person 3: And I'm Colgate Smolgate. I make those tiny toothpastes. Y'know the tiny ones. That's my whole thing. I'm smol.

person 4: Well, gentlemen, I'm sorry but I think there's been a mistake. It would appear that I do not belong in your esteemed company because my name is Humphrey Dollarsign and I am but a humble van salesman.

person 1: No no no, this isn't for rich people. We're all here to fright to the death.

person 3: Did you say fight to the death?

person 1: Nope. Fright to the death.

person 4: I really appreciate your hospitality Ranch Dubois and I would love to stay longer and participate in this jovial past-time but I really must be going. My wife and kids are probably wondering why I haven't come home for dinner yet and I-

person 2: boo!

person 4 dies from fright

The remaining three persons stand over the corpse of person 4 and laugh

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