Friday, September 9, 2022


 Today I sat outside most of the morning. It was very relaxing. I think they sprayed to get rid of mosquitoes or something because I was never bit. I had some good climbs and also a decent run. I'm just really tired and I need to rest a lot tonight and tomorrow. It's a good tired though. 

I've run 13 sub-6 miles this week so far. I think I can get to 20 on Sunday. My goal for the Fall was to run 30 sub-6 miles in a week. It was starting to seem a little unlikely but I think when the weather improves they will start to feel a lot easier. I've been trying to plan out a fun way to do it. Or a possible way to do it.

It might make the most sense to do 4 sessions going Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday. And for whatever reason the numbers in my head were 8, 7, 5, 10. I'll probably end up trying it. I also thought it might make sense to go Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Sunday. Sometimes I'll end up feeling good the day after a workout and then it would give me 2 consecutive days of rest before Friday. That might be what I try. We'll see. Right now I'm thoroughly wiped. Starting from Monday I went 2, 5, 0, 5, 1. And like I said some of those runs were made harder than they absolutely needed to be. I'm excited about my fitness regardless. I think I'm going to be a lot stronger by the end of November than I've been in a long time.

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