Monday, February 28, 2022

Got Harassed on the UVA Lawn

 Finished my run and was walking back home barefoot. I cut through the Lawn because that's the fastest way back and a large group of guys were standing on the steps of the Rotunda having their picture taken. I don't know what group they were a part of. As I soon as I stepped into their view they started yelling, "EW! EW! PUT SOME SHOES ON! YOUR FEET ARE GROSS! EW!"

That continued as I walked away from them. I didn't react or respond. I think the woman who was taking their picture said something like, "c'mon now, you're seniors." or something. It was pretty half-hearted.

That's embarrassing on so many levels. I haven't been heckled in a while and I've really stopped caring but I just think that's such a bad look. I can see how people would think it's funny or harmless to call someone out. And I think I just take it as a reminder that if I'm ever in a position to say something or do something about it, I should.

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