Sunday, February 6, 2022

do you ever think about

how if you do your laundry on Sunday and then put on a pair of socks on Monday and those socks end up in the hamper, they're basically spending the whole week being dirty and they only get like one day of being clean. sorry socks. I could do laundry more often but no I won't. 

things I'm thankful for: 

-my sister going to the climbing gym in richmond to get the harness I left there yesterday

- finding my watch in my other pair of climbing shoes. I thought I'd lost my watch the day before losing my harness

- getting a lot of drawing done

- having a great workout! it wasn't much but my legs are fully back! range of motion is back and no soreness

- my roommate taking my laundry out of the dryer and folding it 

- my friend Jules

- watching Euphoria with folks and eating great cake

- sleeping lots

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