Saturday, February 12, 2022

music always sounds better in paw paw's truck

drove the truck this week and felt good.

tomorrow I think I'll go get a new battery for his watch.

I need to renew my registration for both vehicles.

I get the impala inspected in March. I also have a dentist appointment on 3/21.

I made my roth ira contribution today. 

Played Disc Golf with some folks from Rocky Top. That was fun. My legs are very sore so it was good to be outside but not running. I had a good round for not playing in like 4 years!

I ordered a new watch band for my Garmin because I realized that's a thing I can do. I own too many watches now. I have like 7? I should give some away. 

I'm going to eat a grapefruit and then some soup. 

The yard is full of holes from squirrels. Things really look their bleakest in February. Old and dead. Maybe Spring will come this year. I feel full of life. But also tired. The most awesome thing is the thrill of seeing something that was very far away from up close. 

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