Saturday, February 19, 2022

Running Update

 My roommate ran an awesome half marathon this morning. I believe it was a PR for him. I had signed up but had an injury a few weeks ago and a hike with camp created a schedule conflict and I also realized that I'm really not a fan of waking up early to run hard in the cold. But anyway, it made me aware of the fact that it's been a long time since I've felt like I really accomplished something with my running. I want to achieve something and do something I'm proud of. 

My goal is to run a sub 4:40 mile by my birthday which is in approximately 10 weeks. 

The things I did to help reach that goal this week were:

-running 60 miles

-getting on strava to hold myself more accountable

-running 3 workouts: tempo miles, surges, speed work on the track

-stretching and mobility balance work

The things I will do this week to help reach that goal are:

-running 60+ miles

-running 3 workouts: a long run with pick ups, 6x800 w/ 3 min rest, 5 mile tempo run with strides

-stretching, mobility, and balance work

If I can put together 10 weeks of quality work then I am confident I can reach my goal.

At some point along the way, maybe every 2 or 3 weeks or so I should also include things like an 800, 1k, and 1600 time trial. 

On March 26th I'll run the Charlottesville 10 miler and I think I can do well but that won't be my main focus.

I think getting on Strava has helped me because I'm keeping track of my mileage and seeing what other people are running and on Friday my legs were really dead from the track workout the day before and I looked at my weekly mileage and realized I probably needed to run about 10 miles if I wanted to run more than 60 miles for the week. Previously I wouldn't have thought much about it and would've done a very slow hour and called it a day. But I think it was some positive pressure that got me to go for 85 minutes and do a lot of uphill running. I've said this before but I think I swung too far back the other way in terms of challenging myself. 

I feel good. I feel motivated. I don't feel satisfied but I think that's a productive place to be in.

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