Tuesday, March 1, 2022

I Did That

 I had this mildly surreal experience the other day while looking around Strava. I found the race GPS info from the guy I barely beat the year I got 2nd in the 10 miler. And looking at the splits and how fast he was going I was thinking, "this is insane." Like, based on my current performances and fitness I'm seemingly no where close to running those sorts of times. And it was weird to look at those times and think, not only did I do that, but I did it exactly one second better. 

I think I can get back to it. I'm optimistic. Strava has been such an immensely helpful tool to motivate me again. I really needed more pressure and data. I can feel the return of those feelings of improvement and getting excited to push myself again. When I look back at the weeks of training leading up to that 10 miler performance, I was basically to the point where I was running a workout or moderately hard almost every day, 5 days a week, and then working all weekend. I can feel myself getting back to that gradually. But it's also fun. It's not like I'm dreading running or destroying myself. It's the fun competitive feelings that I used to feel running with other people. I would still very much like to run with other people but I also know my schedule is weird and I also know that I don't really want to change it that much to run with others. In any case, good things are happening. Climbing is taking a bit of a backseat. Like today I probably would have gone climbing after running but I was feeling extra tired and figured staying home would be better. Again, another trade off I'm happy to make. 

On Thursday I'm going to do a fast track workout of something like

6 min 1600

1k in 3:07 or faster.

4x400 off 4:30 rest. It would be nice to run 67 or 68.

4x200 off 3 min rest. It would be good to run 30s.

600 fast (1:45-ish)

6 min 1600

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