Monday, December 7, 2015

Me at 24

A solemn young man in skinny pants and an oversized hoodie searching for danger and malcontent on a school playground. 

I like my job. I enjoy doing it and I want to get better at it. My goals as an afterschool guy are #1) keep kids safe (from themselves, each other, and the environment they interact with) and #2) foster positive relationships between the kids and each other and myself and the kids. (#3 have fun).

I feel like there's more to say but this is it for now. Me!


Crab said...

Is the oversized hoodie to make yourself appear bigger to intimidate and scare off threats?

Errrn said...

^Lines up with keeping the kids safe. You never know when a black bear will show up.

Also I'm glad that you like yer jerb!

Andy Lawrence said...

It's the best replacement for a beard that I could come up with. But when I can have a beard then I will wield ultimate authority.


"2:10 AM"

You know Mom is going to see that...


Bird said...

It looks like you have Unit 6 furniture feet. That is to say, tennis balls.