Monday, December 14, 2015

Drawings from the Weekend

This lady is trying to yell at you but she is too far away for it to be intelligible. You feel guilty because she probably has a reason to be yelling at you and you know she will only become angrier because you will not rectify the issue. But then, on another level, she's in the wrong for only being able to suggest irritation without providing justification. Her anger takes on a senseless quality. Best to respond with your own overt displays of aggression and balance the equation.

This is jumbled space. The T-Rex is wearing sneakers. The woman is pondering serious ponderings. Sometimes a homeless man named Frank comes to the door seeking money and a ride. My roommate complains that he leaves the doorknob all greasy.

This mouse is thinking to himself, "My oh me! Three cheeses. This is the height of my triangle-headed life." But the question becomes, is the mouse happy because he is unaware of all the cheeses he is not able to possess or because he is consciously able to focus on the cheeses that he has? Is the Mouse's happiness a function of his ignorance or concentration? I guess it could be both. And your answer would depend on your interpretation of the mouse's character. He looks pretty stupid to me. But maybe a "simple-minded" kind of stupid as opposed to a dimness. 

This guy is like, "Y'see, the thing about the fifth dimension is that it's made out of invisible walls. And you gotta take off your shirt like this and really feel around if you ever want to discover one."

This guy looks like if you visited him, everything would be awful in a way that you couldn't quite put your finger on. And then, eventually, all these slightly-off annoying things would build up until you could examine your own abstract hatred of it all and laugh at it. He's that kind of funny. Interacting with him is like being handed various harvested organs and trying to balance your distaste for the body parts with an obligation to make an honest effort at your task until the task becomes physically impossible and the stack topples and you can only laugh with relief that the horrible thing collapsed under its own weight.

Fart android. Sitting on the dock and waxing melancholic.

This guy is really rich. Which he finds alienating. Which drives him to more extravagant displays of wealth and that feeds the cycle and blah blah blah. I think he likes being rich more than he likes feeling accepted. So then the alienation drives him in a way. And in some moods he fancies himself 'special' and 'unique'.

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