Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Some Jumbled People and Some Jumbles

Here's a duck in a bowl. Today these pictures feel like justifications for writing words. For some of your time and mine. Setting an occasion. Trying to have a moment of not-sucky expression. 

And I like telling you about these pictures. It helps me see things in them and it also helps express ideas that didn't have form. It's reciprocal between the pictures and ideas. A vehicle with passengers. A bowl with a duck-bod in it. 

This guy is all squiggly moves. Only squiggles. Which a lot of people find frustrating. It bothers people to go through life in a squiggly way because sudden turns and bends and windy paths are frustrating and halt the part of your brain that is able to predict what is happening next and allow you to be comfortable now. And when that system fails, at least for some people, the default is to be worried about the future which equals worrying in the present because you might as well assume something awful will happen. But then in the bigger picture the squiggles usually add up to a person anyway so we should chill out probably.

This guy has a giant fin or horn (hard to tell which) on top of his head and he doesn't want anyone to look at it. But he also doesn't want to look at people and see that their eyes are consciously avoiding it. And, really, what he wants is to be able to look at other people and not see them looking at him how he assumes they will be looking at him, which they always do...it seems. So now instead of looking at them looking at him, he just looks.

This guy is seeing something terrible that just happened behind him. Previously, if you'd asked him if there was a chance that, as part of the whole "vision" deal, he would potentially see something that would make him wish he'd never been able to see, he would have said, "Okay. I accept that condition and would still like to see." But no one ever asked him that. And so he feels kind of crushed by the whole situation. It doesn't really matter what it is he saw. 

But if you're really curious, what happened was this small child started screaming. It was a high, clear, horrible, sharp scream that went on and on until she ran out of air. But then, even when she couldn't produce sound anymore her face was still frozen in this screaming mask of pain and the child's mother was shaking the girl, trying to snap her out of it and then the girl's nostrils start expanding and they explode out of her face like parachutes and these huge nose-flaps of skin are hungry and angry and they envelop the mother and start slowly trying to pass her through the child's nasal cavity. The child is catatonic at this point and the really crazy thing is that the mother is strong enough to resist the nostrils so that she doesn't get totally devoured but not strong to escape from the grip so both the monstrous nostrils and the mother are destroying themselves in the struggle and there's blood and mucous and hair everywhere and loud sucking sounds and screaming and...well, goodness. I shouldn't have told you.

This guy is peacefully sleeping. What a horrible subject.


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