Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Sketch'um Up Journal of New Place

It's been pretty gross out so these are the areas of New Place that I've spent the most time in so far.

Here's the bed area. Note the window. Very good for seeing how cold and grey it continues to be.

This one is the kitchen. It's a pretty good kitchen.

This is a view from the living room of where my car lives. The man sitting on top of the car is there to inform people that this is not a very good representation of my car. For starts, my car has four doors. But the car that came out of my pen only has one door. 

The obvious.

One of my roommates has this cat. He's a pretty cool cat. I think his name is 'Buster' but I like to just call him 'cat'. *meow*

Lately I feel like I've just been going through the motions of daily stuff. It doesn't feel like there's too much to be excited about. But I think it's pretty normal for a big transition in the butt-end-of-fall December. I remind my self that this is usually about how I feel in situations like this and they always get better.

Yesterday I went shopping and saw this cute girl by the quinoa. She was cuter than as depicted here.

I didn't talk to her because I don't think I've ever talked to any stranger in a grocery store and she probably just wanted to buy some groceries and get on with her life. We smiled at each other though.

After we passed each other I looked back and she pushed off with one foot and rode the cart down the aisle.

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