Thursday, December 10, 2015

Plots n' Sots

Idea #1- A guy attempts to make a drastic life change and run away from everything bogging him down only to be mired in trivial things that his soul-crushing routine had guarded him from.

Idea #2- An otherwise normal woman who emits a xenon-headlight-level beam of light whenever she opens her mouth works up the nerve to intervene in a confrontation between a raging customer and a cashier at a grocery store. 

Idea #3- A 1st-person-perspective view of a million worms burrowing through your body from front to back. And then you get hung up on a pegboard in a classroom at a school for blind children where you are beloved. 

Idea #4- Assemble a line of like 5 to 6 thousand people and have them tell a story with each person contributing only one word.

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