Thursday, December 3, 2015

Perspectives: What is the key to being grateful?

"I loathe everyone and everything. We are all wretched lizards beneath a god-forsaken rock. One day we will become strong enough to lift the rock and it will crush us and we will be at peace."

"Turkey burgers. Have you tried these, yet? They're shaped just like regular burgers but they come from turkeys. It's a real hoot. If you haven't tried them yet, you should. They just don't stop being incredible!"

"I was, the other day, walking up a street-bo when I--crammt a dollar bull into my sportsweight."

"You know, you just gotta, take the good with the bad and when the good shows up it's like, 'hey! awesome, you're here!" Go outside, find some hay, lay down and take a nap in the sun, you know? Covered in bugs and fleas but alive too!"

"Precious jewels are buried deep beneath the Earth's surface and if we built some kind of subterranean drill-car we could travel down there and scoop them up. When we acquired all of the jewels we could use our power and wealth to divide nations and make them subservient until the Chosen one comes and destroys our empire by taking control of our enormous satellite laser beam."

"Grateful? I'm grateful! I can't stop smiling when I look at you."

As long as you never lose anything ever you'll be just fine. Just fine. 


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