Wednesday, December 23, 2015

14 Cartoons for the Holiday Season, Friends

A swarm of these gentlemen have occupied your property, sir. They are here for the holiday magic. Surrender it promptly with cheer and sweat of the season.

This is not a good Christmas party.

At a good Christmas party you wouldn't be trying to kill me.

My holiday problems are unique and my joys are special and my own.

You are my enemy. I must destroy you in the name of Christmas with this laser.

 You are not Santa.
Santa wouldn't be trying to kill me. 

At the holidays we hold hands in pairs and give thanks to the horrible monster that conquered our territory.
Many people are not fond of the hand holding.

Don't be intimidated by anyone yelling during the shopping. They have given in to the rage that you are strong enough to bottle.

This Christmas trip got my socks wet. We were alone at sea and rescued by Crab-Santa.

I'm disappointed that you didn't get me anything for Christmas. I thought you were a good friend but now I don't think that. Get out of my sight, you.

We are different than the other two guys. We didn't get to be in that cartoon and instead are in this one. Neither of us have gotten the other gifts and our fate is truly worse than the one guy above.

My friend has been torn limb from limb by this tree. It is not a Christmas tree.

We are falling to be born on Christmas day. It is the end of a long silence of unbeing before a burp of existence.

Being around this large creature by myself is terrible. I hate it.

Being around this small creature with other people is great. I love it.

Happy Holidays. Remember to be happy.

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