Thursday, December 31, 2015

900th Post: 2015 in Review

260 posts for the year! (not counting this one!) NEW RECORD!

Lots of pictures and comic-things. Probably the lowest word count of any year.

Should I include some favorites? Nope. It was all killer. No filler. Just pick a month that wasn't between February and April and it'll be good.


For 2016:

For January: at least 20 3-panel comics!

More poems!

Yesterday, my sister and I started playing 1,000 Blank White Cards. So I will post some of the better cards that come out of that.

More job update posts. Kids do funny things.

What I ask of you: More comments please! They are very nice. Suggestions, requests, or questions, or be like Bird and just link to other comics and things.

More running related stuff.

(many of these likely won't be done. Except the comics. Gotta do that one.)

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