Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Fast Waves

Bowl of Oatmeal.

A bowl of oatmeal is a beautiful thing. Magical, even.

You've got all these thin, tasteless, insignificant little oat-thingies. How could they ever be edible? They look like flakes of skin. I've peeled things off my toe-callouses that look like this.

But wait, now you've taken the oat-thingies and completely ruined them by pouring in two parts water for every one part oat-thingy. Now they're soggy and the water looks grimy and gross. This looks like the kind of soup they would eat behind the Iron Curtain. Looks more like a dirty puddle in a barren field than a delicious breakfast. 

BUT WAIT AGAIN! Sometimes you don't just have to wait. You have to wait again! 

Because when you add the right amount of heat to those bad boys, the oats LOSE THEIR MINDS! The molecules start bumping and grinding and they start sucking in that puddle-water. And it's a happy breakfast morning time like an 8-bit remix of Sexual Healing.

(seriously, listen to that song while making oatmeal)


Anyway, then it comes out of the microwave and you've got this delicious batter stuff that can help reduce cholesterol!

Why are you still reading this? Go listen to that song and make oatmeal!

Also, here are two posters I made for a comedy show.


The left is "Modern Rhapsody" and the right is "The Temptation of St.Anthony" because nothing gets people in the mood for comedy like the hallucinatory visions of Salvador Dali!


So, haha, those posters were not accepted. And I'm not surprised. I completely understand why. But I'd like people's opinions. Would you be more excited about seeing either of the posters above or this poster that was accepted?

1 comment:

Cassiar Memekio said...

I would totally be more excited about the posters above. They have life and energy. And look really interesting. If I saw them I would actually read them.

The accepted poster is way too clean and manufactured! Down with sterilization! If I saw that on a poster board I am completely certain I would not pay attention. It would just blend in with all the other college-y posters. Which it clearly wants to. It makes them look clean and stale and untested instead of like good real comedians.

Your posters have character, and are cool. I love the craziness, and I'm serious that I would read those and not the other. I know I would if I walked by them.

Haha I think other peoples' world is lame.