Saturday, October 6, 2012

We're All Nauseous!

I apologize for the terrible quality. But this is about a month's worth of doodling on a roughly 3'x2' piece of paper that I hung on my living room wall. 

If anyone would like to purchase this masterpiece I'll sell it to you for about 17 dollars. If you need me I'll be making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich using bread I smuggled out of the dining hall in a paper coffee cup. I'll be doing this for approximately ten hours.

College. Sometimes you get so in the thick of it that it feels like an endless cycle of input-output. A positive feedback loop of College that you can't stop. You take in college and you crap out college again and again and again.

But I'm gonna grow, world! I need to find a direction after this. And by that I don't mean anything constructive, necessarily. I just mean that right now when I imagine myself graduating I'm just going to be "ex-student". That will be my title.

So I've been working on some new titles that have a little more purpose to them:

Expert Bathroom Finder.

Sheep Slave. I'll be a slave to sheep. Not in a weird way though.

Just Ate An Entire Bag of Walnuts Guy. That way when people see me and say, "He looks terrible" I'll be like yeah, well, in my defense I just ate an entire bag of walnuts. So, reserve judgement. Also I'm bisexual now. That means you have to treat me special.

Bookmark. I'll be a freelance bookmark for stupidly rich people. When they're finished reading I'll just stick my finger in the pages to hold the spot and then rob them blind.

Killed by a Russian Satellite full of Rice-A-Roni: The San Francisco Treat

Mail Order Pizza Maker. I'll arrive in a box at your front door and make you a pizza in your own kitchen. 

Me. I'm just gonna be me. BUT WITH NO BED TIME! HahaHA! 

1 comment:

Cassiar Memekio said...

Haha I do that too! Smuggling things out of the dining hall in paper cups, I'm excited to see this.

And I remember seeing that bunny-eared guy from awhile ago when this was first beginning, he's so beautifully creepy. Haha I think that defines this whole creation.