Saturday, October 20, 2012


One time there was this dog running down the road in the middle of July. It was a brown, shaggy, mid-sized dog. The Honda Civic of dogs.

It's trotting down the middle of this street in a residential area. It's a nice neighborhood, where folks keep up with their lawns

It's hot out. The sky is clear blue. The dog is staying in the center of the road. No cars are going by. It's too hot for the birds. It's too hot for people. It's too hot for anyone except this scruffy, brown dog.

It's got an easy, measured stride going. It's hair swooshes in a steady rhythm. It's tongue jostles in its open mouth. Everything is still, except for the dog continuing on this straight stretch of road.

Then there is a dripping. Drops are falling, every-so-often, on the shimmering asphalt. Loud drops sizzle and pop behind the bright tail of the dog.

The loose, fluffy coat looks heavier now. The fine shine of the swaying strands start to stick and coalesce. The dog's course stays straight and the pitter-patter of drops follows it close behind.

Blades of grass smear into a glossy sheen. Slabs of white siding intensify and glow while the lines between soften and disappear in the brilliance.

Thick plops slap the street amid the sprinkling. A sinking droop emerges on dog's frame. It's muscles stick and intertwine, pressed and dragged slowly by its growing stickiness.

Viscous and more viscous! Bones melt. Muscle, skin, and hair and teeth and limbs melt. Lowering while whole sloshes of coagulated matter slide off the body and gurgle on the hot road.

Nature and the World saturate and burst with color. Shadows are consumed by pure bright electric light bleeding out of cells of leaves and trees and bumpers on shiny sedans.

The dog is puddling. Pooling. Pumping its legs and lifting its snout to break free of the thickening mess of its own gobs of vibrant goo.

A pile now. A shrinking, sliding pile drained of momentum. A trail of wet debris, a line of mushy matter slowly smoking on the hard black surface. A soft sizzling is heard as particles excite and break away into the air. Back into the sky.

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