Friday, October 12, 2012


My goal for this October is to write like I NEED to say something.

Because it might be desperate and messy but at least it grabs you by the shoulders for a second and says, "LOOK AT ME GO!" I'm existing in this moment right now and using it to convey words to you over the internet which I can't even begin to understand but the whole point is that you're sort of reading my mind RIGHT NOW!

Except when I stop writing this and go on to think other things but right now we are sharing this thought process as you read this. And later I'll get up and go run and probably still be thinking about what I wrote and how you might be reading it. So you're kind of reading my mind right now about what my future mind will be thinking except this current present for you will be my past!


I like to think about dinosaurs and wizards a lot. Mostly about wizards because magic is awesome. But not Harry Potter wizards. Not Harry Potter wizards at all. I'm talking about the outcasts from society who live in the middle of the creepy woods and there are always weird smells and colors that can be seen and smelled from the edge of the forest and maybe you're a curious young kid and you venture in one day and see all this stuff happening and it blows your mind and for the rest of your life you're like "WHO NEEDS ALGEBRA!? MAGIC IS REAL!"

But I think wizards are important because there is so much that we interact with now that is boring to us but if really pressed we would have NO IDEA how it works. So in that way wizards are really relevant and a lot of fun but mundane at the same time. And mundane weirdness is probably the best kind of weirdness. maybe.

This probably isn't very readable because this immediate writing doesn't last for very long but I will leave you with this thought:

I was running with my running team yesterday and moving at a pretty solid pace and then this freshman starts sprinting and so I started sprinting with him and then when we got near the end of the run he was really sprinting!! Like, all-out sprinting.

And the idea of him sprinting as hard as he could and me not being able to catch him and us weaving in between cars and people who are going about their day and about to crush all the scared squirrels was so funny to me that I had to slow down to a jog because I was laughing too hard.

But I don't know exactly why I was laughing. Something about the sprinting was completely ridiculous. Maybe it was a reaction out of fear? Of not being able to catch someone? But I usually am afraid of the things I fear. Maybe I was really excited that he was beating me. Because for a long time now I've felt really fit and haven't had the experience of training with someone who is genuinely faster than me. That's really exciting to train with someone who can kick your butt! I can leech off their fast and make it my own!


Also, luckily there was a junior who kept with the freshman so he didn't completely embarrass everyone.

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