Tuesday, October 16, 2012

the Eighth

I think we're too hard on ourselves. As a people. We expect too much and praise too little.

Anyone can criticize. Anyone can say what should have been done better. Anyone can hold up flaws. Even small children. They're excellent at it.

But the world isn't going anywhere. I mean, physically, the world--planet Earth. It's not going anywhere. It's moving really fast but it's just going in a big ol' circle. It's going to be in the exact same spot a year from now.

And every morning, when the sun rises again, someone is waking up and saying to themselves, "What's the point? Why ruin this comfort? What could I possibly do today that is better than the warm arms of my post-sleep blankets?"

That's happening all the time. So shouldn't we all be a little more thankful when we see someone making an effort?


Not while I'm still at the bottom of the food chain. That's a competitor!

All I think about is how at least I'm gonna leap out of bed and crush that lazy guy into the ground. This is the real world, boy! You gotta play to win!

"The early bird gets the worm" is a terrifying phrase. Do you know what happens to those birds that sleep in? Do you?

They get no worm! They starve! The landscape is desolate and barren in the mid-day sun and the birds that took the time to ponder the futility of their daily efforts become coyote-lunch. Coyote Lunchables!

Get out of that bed! I don't care what you do but do it fast and do it now!


Cassiar Memekio said...
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Cassiar Memekio said...

This is a great great post, I really like it. I love how true this is: "We expect too much and praise too little...But the world isn't going anywhere. I mean, physically, the world--planet Earth. It's not going anywhere." It's very comforting, I definitely think like that.