Thursday, October 11, 2012

I need to go for a walk

Yeah, that'll do the trick. Go for a walk in my pajama pants. Maybe I'll see a guy I know and be like, "hey! It's thursday! Go get me something hot and spicy!"

And he'll be like, "what?"

And I'll be like, "Dinosaurs confuse me. What about hot chocolate wizards?"

And then I'll be flying through the sky and six-year-old me will be so jealous of now-year-old me. He'll toss his cookies with anger.

Oh man! I just remember Cookie Day. The Fridays when my elementary school would sell cookies for rock-bottom prices to tiny children.

I was once a tiny children. Now I'm a big sweaty adult. I might have been a sweaty child. Do children sweat? Oh wait, yeah, they do. I remember cuz I worked with them this summer.

I'd be like, "You want some juice?"

And they'd be like, "Give it!"

And then I'd walk away like I was the coolest guy in the room! Children are the future but I also think robots are the future and if there was a fight between the two of them I know where I'd place my bets.

Planets are scary to think about. Those other planets are probably judging our Planet right now. Making it feel bad about it the size of its atmosphere. Look, we can't all have airy, thin atmospheres like that Mars character. She's like the Kate Moss of planets.

Shame on Mars. Earth needs a positively role model like the full-bodied Jupiter or the elegant Saturn. But instead we have our sister Mars to deal with. Don't you worry Planet Earth, I'm a...go for a walk!

Yeah, that's it! I'm gonna go for a walk in my pajama pants.


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