Tuesday, October 2, 2012

PRat faBRAToj!

Fall is a special time of year. A time when all across the land people are reminded of the sacrifices of our forefathers and how turkeys can look so weird but taste so delicious. If we learn anything from Fall it is that someday we will lose our rich green color and turn yellow and orange and red and then fall out of a tree and rot on the ground.

Fall is a smelly time. It is a time of pies and rotting organic matter. It is a time of gorging for the harsh winter to come. It is a time for watching sports and maybe looking out of your window in the morning and saying, "Hey World! You better get ready because I'm coming at you like a box of flaming chickens."

I remember this one time in Fall my friend threw a whole bunch of rotting pumpkins at the front of our school. You know, it takes a special type of lover of the seasons to do that.

Some people like to call Fall, Autumn. I can only assume it's because those people are part of some weird cult like Scientology or Presbyterianism. I ate oatmeal this morning.

This is beautiful times, people! You gotta make the effort, but not much of one! Get psyched because getting old and grey just get romantic again! I'm gonna buy some dentures and musk up.

1 comment:

Cassiar Memekio said...

Haha I completely love the mention of the pumpkins incident.

"You know, it takes a special type of lover of the seasons to do that." Haha I cannot stop laughing about this. It certainly demonstrates a roguely dedicated love of the seasons.

And yes, people who call fall autumn are definitely in a cult, like presbyterianism...it always seems like they all got together and decided to say it to sound superior. It even sounds like a cult word, especially with what I think is a syllabic consonant at the end.

Haha also, this is just genius:
"This is beautiful times, people! You gotta make the effort, but not much of one! Get psyched because getting old and grey just get romantic again! I'm gonna buy some dentures and musk up."