Thursday, May 31, 2012

Need Sleep Need Write

This is a story about LOVE!

Love is a good thing. Love is like a Burger King crown that you wear inside of you. And sometimes the crown chafes your insides, and makes you feel itchy and nauseated but most times, with that crown inside you, you feel like a million golden ponies.

Love isn't an easy thing to hang on to. Just like a Burger King crown lodged in your chest cavity. It might fall back behind your ribs or it might fall out of your butt, even. That's why you should hold love in a safe and special spot.

No, not in your heart. That's a terrible place for love. Your heart does nothing but expel things that go into it. You shouldn't keep love in your brain either. It could get short circuited by the electrical impulses and go robo-cop on your face. No, the best place to keep love is in your craw.

Once something is in your craw, it's not going anywhere. You can climb the tallest mountain. You can sail the deepest forest. You can shave the thickest back hair. But once that love is in your craw, it's not going anywhere, man.

But it's not that easy though. Because you can't find your craw on your own. You can't see it in a mirror. Or catch it in a photo. We're always looking for the craw where the love goes in but looking for it will only make certain that you won't be able to find it.

You need someone else to see your craw in you. You need to see them see your craw. And if you're lucky, you'll see their craw too.

And if you're brave enough or foolish enough or young enough or lonely enough you'll be able to share in that special craw-experience. A crawsperience, if you will. There's an understanding there.

And...and then...and craw-space with moments. Moments where you see each other the way you want to be seen.

I don't know if a craw can ever be completely filled. It's a mysterious body part. I know you  can think you're filling it but your body can reject it. Then you get an infected craw and it's all green and swollen and smells like burning dryer lint. But time heals all craws. Time heals all craws.

And if you're lonely, maybe the owner of a forlorn craw, as we all are from time to time. Just remember...honesty is the best...crawlicy. (policy).

...I don't know...I didn't get to perform tonight so I felt obliged to write something to make up for it...

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