Sunday, May 13, 2012

I wrote this my junior year of high school

From my Creative Writing Journal

Open my eyes. Look at the clock. 6:47. 6+4+7= 17. That's not even. Close my eyes. Open my eyes. 6:49. No, I missed 6:48. I was supposed to be dressed and eating breakfast 10 minutes ago. It's not an even number though. I'll just wait. 6:50. Wait! 6+5+0. That's eleven! Ok, just one more minute. My room is still eerily clean from last night. I went to bed at 11 but got to sleep at 1. Whenever my head hit the pillow I would think of a sock on the floor, or a pencil on the desk carelessly turned instead of perfectly straight. I knew it didn't matter but some force was tugging at the back of my brain and wouldn't let go. So I picked up all my socks and put them in the drawer. I collected all my t-shirts and put them in the closet. I didn't want to sort them by color in the order of ROY.G.BIV but I HAD TO. And now it's 6+5+2= 13.
I'm gonna be late for school again.


So, apparently that was happening. At the time I don't think I thought of it as out of the ordinary. I was just following the rules like I assumed everyone else was!...

getting out of bed at times whose digits equal odd numbers...that's preposterous! The whole day will be out of whack! Everything will be lemon-lime when it's supposed to be cherry red!...or something like that.

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