Saturday, May 12, 2012


Um, I was watching my little sister run a race tonight and I was proud of her. But not just because she enjoys running, or because she works hard and gives her best and isn't afraid to hurt. She impressed me because she ran with such intensity that she got a nose bleed.

Now as far as I knew, until tonight, the things you could do from running too hard are: a) collapse b) throw up c) pee yourself d) get a whole bunch of spittle all over your face or e) all of the above at once

But my little sister ran so hard, and grimaced so tightly, that she ruptured some sort of cranial membrane and crossed the line with blood coming out of her right nostril.

And I didn't realize this until after the race and I walk over to her and go" Great jo- woah! Your nose is bleeding!"

And she goes, "Can I have a hug?!"

So I give her a hug. And offer her my hoodie. But then I realized she was hot from having just run so it was going to be about ten to twenty minutes before she got cold. About thirty minutes later she comes looking for me and my hoodie and I'm like, " had your chance...I need this more now."

Bodily fluids are just funny, you guys. You need to understand this.

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