Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Happy May

April was a good month. May might be one too.

I need to sleep.

But I'd like to kick this month off with a thought or two or ten.

No, forget that.

Let's set some goals.

One- Finish out semester awesomely.

Two- Perform at Little Grill EVERY WEEK

Three- Get really really fast.

Four- Do something with writing.

Five- Read a lot.

Six- Make money? (maybe)

Yes. Those are my goals. I will not settle for anything less than 95% completion of those goals.

BRING ON THE SUMMER! I DARE YOU! I will emerge from it more like myself than ever before! I'll be so like me you won't even recognize me! I'll be me but SUPER-CHARGED!

and probably with not very much moneys...but that's okay.

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