Sunday, January 1, 2023

better year better me

 ran 17 miles in 2 hours. legs were sore but I got into it eventually and ran pretty hard towards the end. felt good the whole way. It's possible I didn't do a 2 hour run for the entirety of 2022 so we're already off to an improvement. 

packed up and drove to Grandpa Dave's house and saw him and my dad. helped him with his apps and ipad and such. that was fun

then I got home and unpacked and watched a Microsoft Flight Simulator video of someone from camp trying to fly from Dulles to Costa Rica. they failed.

but in the meantime I did some painting and a have a base coat for one of the pieces I've been working on. I also used the excess paint on some other little doodles and notecards and things. 

busy day.

I'm excited for this year. I think I'm going to make a lot of things and run a lot of miles.

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