Sunday, January 8, 2023

update update update

 on Thursday I met up with Andrea who's back in town for a bit and we climbed and then I had a great run! It was warm and my body was feeling really good from having just climbed. Then I coached and relaxed in the evening. I've been working on making this mushroom from cedar wood. For the past few days I've been sanding it down and shaping it and it looks really good!

On Friday I had a pretty good run and then coached and then worked a little bit to get ready for the mock comp on Saturday morning. Also this guy that works at the gym has started to bring a portable disc golf basket and set it up in the parking lot and I've been practicing putting with him. Disc golf is so fun! 

Yesterday I hiked Old Rag with Todd and some boys from camp. It was a good time and afterwards I took a bubble bath and napped and then ate dinner and slept more. I was pretty exhausted. Other than the strenuous hike it was a pretty restful day. 

Today I'm about to go to the climbing gym for a bit and then do maybe like a 9 or 10 mile run and then I have to buy groceries and do laundry. 

General thoughts on the week: It was nice to have a down week with running. My legs felt really good and I felt like I had a lot of energy. I'm really excited because I feel like I've gotten over this hump of fitness and paces are starting to feel a lot easier than they used to. Like that run on Thursday, which was just like a medium run, was run at the pace that I was doing workouts at in October/September. And my workout paces are starting to be at the pace I'd be really excited to race at. And mentally I think it's easier and more fun to put in work when you're seeing a good return. I'm really riding a wave of improvement and confidence and that's awesome. I climbed almost every day this week which is maybe not ideal and I don't think I'll be doing that when I go back to running 12 miles a day. But it was still good. 

I kinda feel like where I was right after camp ended in the summer where I have a ton of energy and I'm doing a lot and following a plan and staying focused in terms of running and making things and recovering and the challenge will be to stay motivated and manage outside stuff. But yeah, we are like 11 weeks out from the Charlottesville 10 miler and I think I'm in a really good place. 

I've also been doing a great job of keeping up with a little bit of lifting and stretching and I definitely want to keep up with that.

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