Saturday, December 31, 2022


 today was a rest day so I didn't really do anything but go shopping with my mom to look for a new computer. 

but being the end of the year I figure I'd reflect on all the things and people I'm grateful for in the past year

My family is at the top of the list. Getting to come home has been really nice and I feel like I've been able to refocus and head into the new year with purpose and clarity. I feel really fortunate to have my parents and my sister and my grandparents. I've received so much guidance and support and inspiration and I try to do my best, for myself, but also because of them.

It's occurring to me that this could very quickly become an extremely long post.

I'm thankful for camp and everyone there. Especially Todd. It gives my life so much purpose and joy.

I'm thankful for the climbing gym where I spend most of my time.

I'm thankful for my friends who have shown me kindness and make life more enjoyable.

Here's to running big miles and making lots of art in the new year!

Tomorrow I'm going to wake up early and run 17 miles and then later I'll paint one of the pieces I've been working on.

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