Tuesday, January 24, 2023

didn't send my project today

 I had one last day to send this climb in the steep room that I really wanted to get and I didn't end up getting it. It's taken down now and I'll just have to wait for a climb to appear that's similar to it. It'll happen eventually. 

It was kind of weird because normally when I climb in the steep room things follow a very linear process. I'll take a couple days to learn all the moves. And then I'll take maybe two more sessions to link everything together. And then usually after like 5 sessions, I do the climb. This one followed that trajectory pretty closely and then last Thursday I was one move away from doing the climb and felt pretty good. So you'd think it would be like a guaranteed send after that. But I put in two more sessions on Saturday and Tuesday (tonight) and was never really even close. Usually when something like that happens it's because the holds have become more slippery and the moves get harder because there's less friction. Maybe that was the case a little bit with this climb but maybe it was also that I just focused on it too much. I'm not sure. It just felt like I plateaued. 

But my takeaway from that plateau and not getting the climb is that I'd rather spend my time just enjoying climbing and not doing it under pressure. I think it's more fun and better for my improvement overall to just climb a lot and feel good. 

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